We’re not a Recruitment Agency!
So how does our recruitment approach differ?
At Fig Tree HR we start at the beginning.
A recruitment agency will take the role requirements you provide them and run with it. We go back a step; before you even think of a job title or the salary you can afford to pay, we’ll support you to build a Job Description that accurately reflects the day-to-day tasks of the role, fulfils the needs of the business, and ensure it fits with how your team works. Getting this stage right is crucial. We help you build the right team and prevent you from hiring the wrong person, or even the right person for the wrong role.
Furthermore, with today's competitive jobs market it's vital that we sell your business as an attractive place to work. Unlike most Agencies, we'll take the time to understand how you work, your values, and what benefits there are in working for you. There's more to candidate attraction than salary!
We’re not saying using a Recruitment Agency is the wrong choice, only that it’s not always the right choice. Taking the time to work with us on designing your role strategically will significantly reduce your chances of making the wrong hire.
Our expertise will save you time, money, effort, and a whole load of emotional energy trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
Fig Tree HR Recruit, we help you get recruitment right.
Contact us to learn more about our Recruitment Packages.